Allyn Jackson
Writer and editor
Selected Articles by Allyn Jackson
“Wie hat Don das nur gemacht? (How did Don do it?)” (on Don Zagier receiving the Heinz Gumin Prize), Süddeutsche Zeitung, 22 May 2024 (subscription required)
“Interview with Yasha Eliashberg”, Celebratio Mathematica, May 2023
“Die Berechnung der Welt (Computing the World)” (on Avi Wigderson receiving the ACM Turing Award), Süddeutsche Zeitung, 24 April 2024 (subscription required)
“Susan Landau Awarded AMS Bertrand Russell Prize”, Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery, 23 January 2024
“The Miracle Group: Six women from Taiwan and their journey into mathematics”, Celebratio Mathematica, October 2023
“A Pioneer in Participatory Design Turns 80 [Christiane Floyd]”,
Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery, 16 May 2023
“Why the Simplex Method, at Age 75, is Still the Go-to Algorithm”, Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery, 31 January 2023
“When Existence is Inefficient”, Inference: International Review of Science, October 2022
“Pushing the Frontiers of Mathematical Research”, Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery, 8 September 2022
Articles about awards presented at the 2022 International Congress of Mathematicians, posted on the web site of the International Mathematical Union on 5 July 2022: Abacus Medal to Mark Braverman, Chern Medal to Barry Mazur; Gauss Prize to Elliott Lieb; Leelavati Prize to Nikolai Andreev
“Dear Julia, Dear Yuri: A Mathematical Correspondence”, Celebratio Mathematica, May 2022
"Medical Digital Twins: A New Frontier", Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery, 24 February 2022
"`Ich weiß jetzt, dass es wahr ist, dass es schön ist, dass es wunderbar ist': Porträt über die Mathematikerin Julia Robinson" ("`Now I know it is true, it is beautiful, it is wonderful: Portrait of the Mathematician Julia Robinson"), Süddeutsche Zeitung, 3 January 2022 (subscription required)
"Life as a Logician" (interview with Martin Davis), Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery, 26 August 2021
"Russischer Mathematiker: Strafkolonie und Folter für eine zerbrochene Fensterscheibe (Russian Mathematician: Penal colony and torture for a broken window)", Süddeutsche Zeitung, 28 June 2021
"Honoring the Ties between Computer Science and Mathematics" (on the 2021 Abel Prize winners László Lovász and Avi Wigderson), Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery, 15 June 2021
"Election Security: A Scientific View" (on the work of Barbara Simons), Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery, 11 May 2021
“Die Macht des Zufalls [The power of randomness]” (on the 2021 Abel Prize winners László Lovász and Avi Wigderson), Süddeutsche Zeitung, 19 March 2021
“Interview with Alain Connes”, Celebratio Mathematica, February 2021
"The World of TFNP [on work of Christos Papadimitriou]", Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery, 27 October 2020
"`An Exciting Time to be at the Helm': Interview with NSF Director Sethuranam Panchanathan", Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery, 23 September 2020
“Why Did We Go Digital? (Interview with Ken Steiglitz)”, Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery, 27 August 2020
“Interview with Augustin Banyaga”, Celebratio Mathematica, June 2020
“Interview with Margaret Wright”, Celebratio Mathematica, May 2020
“Exploring the Theory of Computing (Interview with Avi Wigderson)”, Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery, 16 January 2020
“Interview with André Haefliger”, Celebratio Mathematica, November 2019
“Women in STEM: No Simple Answers”, Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery, 3 October 2019
“Theoretical Computer Scientist Receives Waterman Award (Mark Braverman)”, Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery, 19 September 2019
“Making AI Systems Fairer Will Require Time, Guidelines”, Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery, 10 September 2019
“Interview with Ingrid Daubechies”, Celebratio Mathematica, July 2019
“Founder of Geometric Analysis Honored with Abel Prize [Karen Uhlenbeck]”, Science, 19 March 2019
“Sie ist in vielerei Hinsicht eine Wegbereiterin (She is in many ways a trailblazer)”, Süddeutsche Zeitung, 19 March 2019
“Interview with Karen Uhlenbeck”, Celebratio Mathematica, February 2019
“Seeking Equilibria in Economics, Computer Science”, Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery, 13 December 2018
“Emil Post: Psychological Fidelity”, Inference: International Review of Science, October 2018
Articles about 2018 Fields Medalists (Caucher Birkar, Alessio Figalli, Peter Scholze, Akshay Venkatesh) and 2018 Nevanlinna Prize winner (Constantinos Daskalakis)
Articles about Alexander Grothendieck
Comme Appelé du Néant: As if Summoned from the Void: The Life of Alexandre Grothendieck
AMS Notices: Part 1, October 2004, Part 2, November 2004
Grothendieck at 80, IHES at 50, AMS Notices, September 2008
Q-and-A Interviews
Interview with Alain Connes, Celebratio Mathematica, February 2021
Interview with Augustin Banyaga, Celebratio Mathematica, June 2020
Interview with Margaret Wright, Celebratio Mathematica, May 2020
Interview with André Haefliger, Celebratio Mathematica, November 2019
Interview with Ingrid Daubechies, Celebratio Mathematica, July 2019
Interview with Karen Uhlenbeck, Celebratio Mathematica, February 2019
Interview with Martin Davis, AMS Notices, May 2008
Interview with Joan Birman (with co-interviewer Lisa Traynor), AMS Notices, January 2007
Interview with Heisuke Hironaka, AMS Notices, October 2005
Interview with Martin Gardner, AMS Notices, June/July 2005
Interview with Joseph Keller, AMS Notices, August 2004
Interview with Louis Nirenberg, AMS Notices, April 2002
Interview with Arnold Ross, AMS Notices, August 2001
Interview with Raoul Bott, AMS Notices, April 2001
Interview with Henri Cartan, AMS Notices, August 1999
Interview with Shiing-Shen Chern, AMS Notices, August 1998
Series on Mathematics Institutes
A Trio of Institutes (Aarhus University, Denmark; Centre de Recerca Matemàtica, Barcelona; Centro di Ricerca Matematica Ennio De Giorgi, Pisa), AMS Notices, December 2009
A Different Kind of Institute: The American Institute of Mathematics,
AMS Notices, December 2005
RIMS, An Institute for Japan and the World
AMS Notices, February 2004
AMS Notices, September 2002
Oberwolfach, Yesterday and Today
AMS Notices, August 2000
The Dream of a Swedish Mathematician: The Mittag-Leffler Institute
AMS Notices, October 1999
AMS Notices, March 1993
Bonn's Max Planck Institute: A New Building and a New Era
AMS Notices, May 1998
Selected Articles in the Notices of the American Mathematical Society
Native Script in MathSciNet: Celebrating Diversity (with sidebar about Donald Knuth)
January 2018
Michèle Audin, Mathematician and Writer
August 2017
Can Mathematics Light the Way?
May 2017
The Welcoming Side of Mathematics
March 2014
Simplicity, in Mathematics and in Art
August 2013
Presidential Report Draws Criticism from Mathematicians
October 2012
Strikes Sweep French Universities
September 2009
April 2008
October 2007
A Labor of Love: the Mathematics Genealogy Project
September 2007
Bers Library Finds a Home---and Resonance---at Charles University
August 2007
Jumping Ship: Editorial Board of Topology Resigns
May 2007
New York City Programs Provide a Model for National Teaching Corps
March 2007
International Congress of Mathematicians 2006
December 2006
Conjectures No More? Consensus Forming on the Proofs of Poincaré and Geometrization Conjectures
September 2006
Textbook Tempest: Students and Professors Decry Price Surges
August 2006
Business Week Looks at Mathematics
June/July 2006
In High Gear: Spanish Mathematics Looks to the Future—and to ICM2006
February 2006
June/July 2005
The Budget Vise Tightens: NSF Fiscal Year 2006 Budget Request
June/July 2005
Teachers, Exams, Standards: AMS Committee on Education Examines Issues
February 2005
Mathematicians' Group to Provide Advice on Math Standards
December 2004
Oberwolfach Celebrates its 60th Anniversary
October 2004
Has the Women-in-Mathematics Problem Been Solved?
August 2004
Has Math Funding Hit the Deficit Wall?
June/July 2004
Supporting a National Treasure
November 2003
The Digital Mathematics Library
September 2003
June/July 2003
The Carnegie Initiative on the Doctorate
May 2003
The Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Celebrates its Twentieth Birthday
May 2003
International Congress of Mathematicians 2002 in Beijing
January 2003
The World of Blind Mathematicians
November 2002
Teaching Math in America: An Exhibit at the Smithsonian
October 2002
Theft of Words, Theft of Ideas
June/July 2002
June/July 2002
From Preprints to E-prints: The Rise of Electronic Preprint Servers in Mathematics
June/July 2002
Older Articles
Multiculturalism in Mathematics: Historical Truth or Political Correctness? (in Heeding the Call for Change: Suggestions for Curricular Action, edited by Lynn Arthur Steen, Mathematical Association of America, 1992)
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